Reception Round Up

27th September 2019
Autumn Term Week 4
Welcome to another round up and this week we focused on a very important part of Early Years, role play. 
We get many opportunities during the day to learn through our play. Role play is one of the many areas of play that we love in Reception.
During this week alone Reception have had tea parties for a variety of friends including a frog and an ill rainbow coloured teddy bear. (Yes the bear made a great recovery thanks to cups of coffee and cake). We have also had pirate ships and one which turned into Titanic. Many mams, dads and big sister stories as well as dogs. Outdoor area brought a fully working car wash that charged $17 that was swiftly converted into a reasonable price of £7. Outdoors also had a visit from the Avengers although we are unsure how Batman and Robin suddenly joined forces with them. 
Through all this role play Reception class have had the opportunity to develop many skills.
  • Communication and language skills
  • Investigate, explore and experiment
  • Act out and make sense of real life situations
  • Develop social skills including sharing, collaborating, listening 
  • Empathy and understanding of different perspectives
  • Express ideas and feelings in a safe environment
  • Creativity and imagination 
Of course there are so many other skills that the class have been exposed from learning through role play. 
Towards the end of the week, Reception Class were very keen on giving any visitors to the classroom a 'ticket'. Let's hope it is an entry pass for Disney World. Watch this space to see if we need to pack our mouse ears next week.
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination"- Albert Einstein