Our Eco work

We have started the journey to becoming an Eco-School. The programme is designed to raise environmental awareness amongst young people. 

Our school is now part of a global community working to create environmental change for the benefit of our children and future generations.

Pupils are the driving force behind Eco-Schools and we are all excited to see what action plan ideas are suggested to help support our school and our local community.


Our Eco-Council have created their action plans and have decided they are going to focus on; reducing waste, reducing the amount of litter in our local community, to improve our school ground for biodiversity and to reduce our carbon footprint through transport.

We have been supported by Lamesley Parish Council:


The children of Kibblesworth academy were very keen to take part in litter picking to help the school gain their Green flag award. The Green Flag award will benefit our school and our local village by raising environmental awareness, encourage the provision of green spaces and bringing together a community spirit while helping keep our local area green. This award also allows our school community to say that we have supported global change to our environment.

We approached Lamesley Parish council for a grant to support us in our green flag award journey and they have very kindly awarded the school £350 to support us! The grant allows for £200 for the Green Flag fees and £150 for the resources needed to support us, for example; compost and recycling bins.